SAUBER – Tech Featurette

The dawn of the Stake F1 Team KICK Sauber era is upon us, marked by the grand unveiling of the C44 in London.

Adorned in striking neon green and black, the Team is set to pursue championship points in the upcoming Formula 1 season with vigor and determination.

To build this beautiful machine, Sauber embarked on a ground-up rebuild, leaving no stone unturned and placing every component under scrutiny. Now, as curiosity about the inner workings and innovation behind the C44 mounts, we invite you to delve deeper into the genesis of this remarkable machine.

Let's briefly explore the meticulous craftsmanship and engineering skill that brought the C44 to life.

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Forward-thinking, we make films and photographs for today’s visionaries.



POLARWIND is a creatively driven production company, a gallery, a Creative Hub that works in interaction with selected international artists and those of a younger generation who are constantly expanding the medium. An innovation in advertising and art that visualizes culture in a distinctive way.

Working with the world’s leading advertising agencies, brands and media groups, we create award winning films and photography.




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